Hindu Kush (Andarab Dist) Regular Cannabis Seeds by Afghan Selection
Regular price £80.00
The Afghan Selection consists of two hashish-in and local aficionados with over 50 years combined total experience who has put together some of the most amazing collection of Afghan landraces for everyone to enjoy and experience. Here you'll find everything that Afghanistan has to offer in cannabis. The Afghan gene pool provides some of the best-defined smells in the world. Everything from citrus, grapefruit, diesel, earthy, pistachios, skunk and Mango can be expressed in these impressive genetics.
The colours of our landraces are very impressive with a wide range of tones, huge sunleafs stacking the colas so some maintenance is to be expected, along with the most amazing experience you'll ever find growing and consuming this medical cultivars. The terpene profile and effect of landraces are very "clean" and strong, long lasting compared to many new strains.
Hindu Kush - Andarab Dist.
Stock of 2018
The Andarab Dist is located in the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan.
This district in the last 10 years has become the new hot spot for cannabis due to its geography. Although Balhk Dist has come back strong since 2016 and are now producing like it used to be.
Parwan Province
Variability humidity 20-80%
Temp April/May 13-33c and 13h day light seeds are planted
Temp June/July 25-40c and 14.5h day light
Temp Sept/Oct 10-33c and 12h day light flowering starts
Temp Nov/Dec 1-15c and 10h day light local harvest tine
Temp Jan/Feb 0-10c and 11h day light
The Plant
Is a short growing plant with bid wide leafs and has one of the most amazing terps you will find in Afghanistan. In these seeds you can find plants with smells from diesel and grapefruit to pistachios and skunk. One of our hunters favourite smelling plant.
The Hash
Comes in both narcotic and uplifting versions depending on the farmer and what dominate genotypes his fields have. But taste is always very deep and complex.